


I really envy you travelling everywhere.


You can travel here.


可以翻译为I envy you very much.翻译肯定要结合上下文的,有上下文的话相信读者能明白你的意思



I suggest you can go to Quanzhou's ten scenic spots



I admire you a lot.

松 江


Motel 汽车旅馆

check-out 结账离店

disposable 一次性的

ine 收入

appetizer 开胃菜

laundry bag 洗衣袋

reception area 接待区

room service 送餐服务

cruise (乘船)巡游

nonscheduled airline 不定期航线

business traveler 商务旅客

assistant manager 大堂副理

intensive training 大强度训练

healthy 康体(中心)俱乐部

executive staff members 高级行政职员,(简称“高职”)

chain management 连锁管理

maintenance 维修

training assignment 培训任务

deluxe 豪华的

personnel office 人事部

entertainment 文娱节目

*switchboard (电话)总机

check-in 登记入住

hotel management 饭店管理


lost and found 失物招领处

room rates 房价

*business center 商务中心

acmodation (饭店中的)设备;住处

chain hotel 连锁酒店


超额预定 overbooked 纪念品 souvenir 信誉声誉 reputation 厨房帮工 kitchen helper 商务型酒店 business hotel

行政总厨 executive chef 主题公园 theme park

财务部 financial and aounting department

洗衣服务 laundry service 汽车出租行业 car rental trades

管理合同 management contract 问讯处 information desk

小吃店 snack bar 特许经销权 franchised dealership

奖励旅游 incentive travel/ bonus travel 外币兑换 foreign exchange 保险箱 safe box 带薪假期 paid time off/ paid leave/ paid vacation bulk purchase 大量(大批)购买 旅游业 touri ***

旅游胜地 a tourist attraction 会议 meeting/ conference 巡游 cruise

航班座位利用率 flight seat use factor 美食家 belly-god/ epicure

设施设备 facilities and equipments 收银台 cashier’s 预定 reservation 迷你冰箱 mini bar 公共区域 PA (public area)

1.An important feature of this rapid construction of new hotels( which are the chain hotels---as the main power in the hospitality industry )(在饭店业中作为主要力量的连锁酒店出现了)

2.The front desk is the term that designates the counter where(guests check in, take keys and mails, ask about information, store the valuable articles and check out)(客人登记,取钥匙和邮件,询问信息,存放贵重物品和结账)

3.The assistant manager frequently have a desk in the lobby near the reception area *since (they mainly deal with the daily problems, such as the discontentment for room-assigning, and the overbooked (of room) )(他们主要处理日常的问题,例如对房间分配的不满和房间的超额预定)

4.The front desk also notifies the housekeeper of the arrival of VIPs ,very important persons(for they should offer presents and special services to the VIPs in many hotels )(因为许多酒店要提供礼品和给客人们特殊服务)

5.Touri *** is now generally (regarded as the industry of the most important economic social culture and influences of modern times. )(被看作是当今最具有经济社会文化和影响力的产业)

6.Foods are usually classified into five basic groups aording to their nutritional values, (they are proteins, carbohydrate, fat, minerals, and vitamins)(蛋白质,碳水化合物,脂肪,矿物质和维他命)

7.The automobile offers convenience. The traveler(do not need to carry the luggage while leaving home and reaching the destinations, in addition, the travel expense was also obvious somewhat low )(离家和到达目的地都无需搬动行李,另外旅行的费用也明显偏低了)

8.Their duties include( taking away the unwanted tableware, pouring water, carrying bread and butter )(撤掉多于多余的餐具,倒水端面包和黄油)

9.Under the cooks ‘supervision are the kitchen helpers who for example (cut up potatoes, vegetables, and carry the food from storeroom to the kitchen as well )(切土豆,切蔬菜还要将食品从储藏室运到厨房去)

我感觉你有可能打错的地方,我用星号标注,“汉译英”中,有的是两个或两个以上答案,意思是一样,供你选择;“完成句子”中的答案,如果你看到括弧中有括弧,里面的内容是可以省略的。第7句后边是“偏低”还是“降低”呢?如果是“降低”,将somewhat low 改成 reduce或者 decrease。



Traveler是一个英文单词 ,主要作为名词,翻译为“旅行者;旅客;旅行推销员”。短语搭配:the traveler旅行者。plated traveler板状钢丝圈。elliptical traveler椭圆形钢丝圈。passing traveler过客。Traveler Information出行者信息。traveler management游客管理。

旅行是汉语词汇,拼音是lǚ xíng,意思指远行、去外地办事或游览。去外地行走。不同于旅游。旅行和旅游的区别就在于:旅行是在观察身边的景色和事物,行万里路,读万卷书,相对于是指个人,是行走。旅游是指游玩,通常是团体出行,在时间上是很短暂的。




1、With the aid of a compass the traveler can find his bearings.藉助罗盘,旅行者可以找到自己所处的方位。

2、I can't believe it, the woman traveler said.我真不敢相信,这位女性旅行者说。

3。More and more travelers are looking for bed and breakfast accommodations in private homes.愈来愈多的旅行者在寻找由私人住户提供住宿和早餐的服务。

4、Commuter airlines fly to out-of-the-way places. And business travelers are the ones who go to those locations.支线航空公司航班飞往偏僻地区。商务旅客就是会前往那些地区的人。
